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4 Reasons to Play

Swinger couple in love
Swinger couple in love
Swinging is the best-kept secret in the world. It rules for many reasons!!

Most regular folks have no idea about the many benefits of non-monogamy. Their friends who are swingers won't even tell them because swinging has always been the secret sauce that no one talks about. Non-monogamy is just now beginning to become more visible in society, but most people are hesitant to reveal their interest or their desires to dip their toes into this lifestyle. Read further to learn the many exciting proven benefits of swinging or non-monogamy.

1. Way More Sex with Each Other!

Relationships can become stale — it's the truth. Even loving couples will eventually become more or less comfortable and less excited by their spouse. Not so much with swinging couples! They really enjoy dating, but, like coming home from a vacation, they really love to reunite with their spouses, and the romantic (yes, romantic) feelings persist for weeks or months after any encounter. It's just the way it works. Swinging keeps marriages hot!


2. Stronger Communication Skills

Couples that are in the lifestyle often enjoy stronger communication skills. You can't swing without discussing fears, boundaries, fantasies, reservations, and many more aspects. If you want to have the lifestyle in your marriage and it involves swinging, count on having about a thousand meaningful conversations first. The good news is that couples that can talk about dating others are typically excellent communicators. They listen well, and they communicate effectively without causing their partners pain. There is a reason that many swingers have been in established relationships. New relationships don't typically start swinging unless they identify as non-monogamous at the onset. Most new relationships focus on each other. Another way to look at it is this: good marriages are 50-50 — 50% is commitment, and the other 50% is communication. If you have those two things, you will have a stronger marriage, and swinging guarantees communication — and lots of it.

3. Inconsequential Sex

Why do so many marriages fail? If somebody told you before you did a parachute jump that there was a 50% chance that your parachute might malfunction, would you still jump? One out of two marriages fail, and people still get married. One of the most common reasons that marriages do fail is infidelity. What if we handled infidelity by making it safe for you to have sex with someone outside of your marriage but with the consent and support of your partner? Perhaps, we could reduce the divorce rate by half!

There is a security that men and women feel when they know that the sexual urges of their partners will be met within and outside the marriage without destroying the relationship. Swinger couples are often the most loving, respectful, and grateful couples on the planet. They don't cheat because they don't have to. So why would they risk it? Even if you didn't love the lifestyle, you could probably still enjoy it and know that it was making it impossible for your spouse to leave you because they have you and the freedom for occasional new experiences. It's a predisposition that is a sign of health and built into your DNA, which is why it is so damn difficult to be faithful in one relationship, and so many fail.

4. Swinging Makes You Healthy

Monogamy can be dangerous to your health... Okay, that is a provocative statement, but allow me to explain.

We all know that when we finally settle down with the love of our life, we will eventually get to the point where we feel loved, comfortable, and secure. At that precise point, when we feel that security, we begin to give ourselves more things that we love. We allow ourselves to eat our favourite foods, drink what and when we like, exercise when we wish, and do whatever turns us on. We do that because we are no longer competing with other humans to secure our best mate. We have our mate, we are happy, and now the descent into comfortable wedded bliss begins, and we leave the struggle to fit into our skinny jeans, and being bathing-suit-ready is not a priority anymore. My girlfriends start wearing sweats in the house, and the guys stop shaving every day and are no longer working out three or four times a week. We start eating desserts daily, and eating at night, or going to fast food outlets, and completely stop counting calories. Multiply this behaviour by ten or twenty years, and you begin to see health problems like hypertension, obesity, diminished sex drive, digestive issues, joint problems, and all the other health issues caused by a poor lifestyle, which is 80% of all chronic illnesses and diseases. 

Wait! What is it about the lifestyle that stops this? Essentially, you and your partner are back to dating — except not each other, but others nonetheless. We can't help but want to be our best, which means no more excessive eating and drinking, getting regular exercise, wearing flattering clothes, and having the ability to hold interesting conversations and learning how to engage with new people all over again. When I go to lifestyle events, no one gets drunk. People generally don't have dessert, and they eat average amounts of food. They are engaged with each other, and they talk and laugh and really enjoy each other's company. Under these conditions, people will become healthier, and their relationships will benefit to an enormous degree. If you decide to become a part of the lifestyle, you will improve yourself because you will want to be your best, and the greatest beneficiary will be your relationship with your spouse because they will get to have a healthier, better you.


Want more? Check out 4 More Reasons to Play.