Swingers Lifestyle Community for Open-Minded Couples & Singles

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The Bi-Male Divide

Bisexual acceptance is an incredibly important topic to us.

It's time we addressed this issue from our perspective. We'll try to be as informative as possible. Bisexual acceptance is an incredibly important topic to us.

Lesbian Gay BISEXUAL Transgender Presence

The LGBT community is real (1), expanding (2), and making the world a more compassionate place. Research and reporting by the Movement Advancement Project (MAP) (3) estimates that even though more than half of the LGBT community in the U.S. (4.1% of the population or approximately 5 million people in 2016) identifies as bisexual, the group is often overlooked when it comes to legal and social discourse.

Our society has made great strides in recognizing the rights of non-heterosexual couples. Marriage equality laws allowed millions of same-sex couples, who had been together for decades, to finally enjoy the freedom to marry one another.

Regional Threats

In places like Texas, there are still pockets of fear and hate that seem to be unwilling to respect differences. I use Texas as an example because it's where we live. It's also one of many states that may miss out on lucrative big businesses moving headquarters (4) because it does not have LGBT protection laws. Texas' own governor has sponsored a failed Bathroom Bill (5) targeting transgender people.

So, it's no surprise that there are still people threatening violence & committing homicide (6) when faced with even the idea of non-heterosexual men.

Discrimination in the Lifestyle

Even in open-minded Swinging Lifestyle communities, there are men and women who condemn bisexual men. Most of the reasons given for this behavior originate from outdated or misinformation about bisexual/gay men. From outdated STD/STI statistics to the fear that a bi/gay man might touch without consent and beyond. There are various stigmas that people are still leaning on in order to outcast bisexual men.

STI Misconceptions

We'll try not to go off on a tangent about how society at large tends to blow STIs out of proportion with stigmas. Even though the risk of STD/STIs is higher by virtue of having multiple partners, the Swinger Lifestyle has a propensity to have a lower STD/STI rate than monogamous couples due to factors like regular screenings and safe sex practices (7). That being said, bi-men in the lifestyle are still falsely viewed to be more likely to have an STD/STI.

Fear-based Violence

It's not uncommon for hetero-normative males in the Swinging Lifestyle to make aggressive statements or threats in lifestyle forums that make it clear they support violence towards bisexual men. Often, the reasoning they give is because they don't want someone touching them in a way they don't like. This is a wonderful, teaching opportunity about the concept of consent that our society struggles with so deeply. The quip that "Homophobic men are afraid that other men will treat them like they treat women" is most definitely appropriate.

Because of this, bisexual men in the Swinging Lifestyle tend to keep their bisexuality hidden due to fears their openness may be misconstrued. Even in more progressive minded, metropolitan cities of Texas like Dallas and Austin, there is a hesitation to be forthcoming with that information.

Not Entirely Wrong

Let's be honest here, dark rooms at swinger clubs provide plenty of opportunity for anyone to cross consent lines. So, the fear the homophobic person has is not unfounded. That being said, threatening violence is not the way to handle that fear.

There are plenty of stories from friends who may have an ass in the air at the club and a random spectator might spank, caress, fondle or otherwise touch without consent. Most of these scenarios don't end in violence, however. The best-case reaction is a clear and concise expression of boundaries. The most common scenario is the offender disappearing before confrontation or being too intoxicated to understand they just committed a party foul.

Enough Fact, Now Opinion

It truly is frustrating to see so many people feel the need to hide. But not me. Not us. We proudly describe ourselves as Pansexuals.

We paraphrase the definition of that to say that we, essentially, are attracted to people rather than genitals, so long as there is intimate/sexual chemistry. Chemistry is the important part.

Relating that to the grand scheme of this blog post, it means that I, Daniel, am sexually active with all genders. Additionally, Nikki is sexually active with all genders. Sometimes, it's easier to claim the bisexual title when describing my sexual interactions. These sexual interactions do not change who I am as a person. I'm not a predator or disease ridden. I'm not an irresponsible risk taker. I am a person and I am more than happy to explore other genders, as well. The only requirement is a mental and physical chemistry between myself and that PERSON.

Why We Advocate

It is my opinion that the older and the less experienced tend to develop strong feelings about any variety of topics. Male Bisexuality seems to be one of the topics that, with little or no experience interacting with bi-men, leaves some with only preconceived notions. Where these people go wrong is using those preconceptions as justification for violence. Violence towards anyone over their sexual orientation is wrong. There is no justification for it.

The side effects of not feeling accepted in society are well documented with the LGBT community. Depression and suicide CAN happen if our people, the human kind, feel like they are being rejected. This is why we take a stance. This is why we feel the need to protect.

We try to be examples of how normal, respectful people can be from any variety of background. We don't represent any kind of unusual risk to anyone. Our intent is to never force what we do onto others. If you are afraid or think we are more of a risk; if you think less of us because of our choices... Those thoughts are on you and your biases. You're the one missing out on our friendship. We are happy, and we are doing what we can to help others be happy, too.



National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Aug 06, 2024
Was in the LS for over 30 years. Bi men are there and yes most hide it because of the stigma. Good article.
Jan 31, 2024
Were in Texas and have been doing this for a while and have been around all types of people in lots of different places and in lots of different situations…. And I have NEVER heard ANYONE make any sort of threat of violence or anything of the sort about bi or homosexual men. Ever. And just because a person doesn’t agree with an alternate lifestyle, it does NOT make them homophobic. That word is thrown around way too freely these days. My wife loves eating liver and onions and I think it’s gross… but that doesn’t mean I’m afraid of it or threaten her if she eats it around me. Not everyone has to understand or even accept how everyone chooses to live their lives. People in general tend to mind their own business…. Until it’s shoved down their throats and they feel like they’re being forced to participate in something they don’t believe in. Doesn’t make them homophobic or transphobic… it’s just not for everyone. It’s really not that complicated.
Nov 26, 2022
100% !! Very well said. Your open sharing will help others on their journey in regards to openness, acceptance, and understanding. And your thoughtful exploration of the topic through a nuanced article can serve as a foundation for constructive reflection and discussion by others...much more so than just a short blip on Twitter! :-) It's constructive that this article both acknowledges the fears of different parties and doesn't dismiss them as baseless. And it's how we acknowledge and deal with those fears that is key. Otherwise, we unconsciously propagate the unexamined judgments of others that we "open-minded" members of the LS community claim to stand against.
Mar 25, 2022
Great article, thank you!