Swingers Lifestyle Community for Open-Minded Couples & Singles

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We all want to be good lovers and give our partners pleasure! Get sex advice to give your partner an orgasm, tips on hooking up, how to make threesomes and group sex more enjoyable, and more.
SDC Openlove 101 Newbie Lifestyle Club Guide Swingers Open NonMonogamy Nightlife
Newbie Lifestyle Club Guide
If you're curious about clubbing in the world of non-monogamy, consider this series of tips and tricks your new best friend.

SDC Openlove 101 Newbie Lifestyle Club Guide Swingers Open Nightlife
Newbie Guide: You're at the Club. Now What?
It's time to put our tips and tricks into action!

SDC ASN Lifestyle Magazine Ashley Caballero Swingers Bisexual Group
Bisexual Couples & Group Play
Sounds exciting, right? If you’re a bisexual couple, it definitely does. If you’re straight, maybe not so much.

SDC Secrets Hideaway Swingers Lifestyle Resort Club
Secrets Hideaway: Uncovered!
Ready to let your inhibitions go and explore your sexual side?

Yay or Nay to Explicit Profile Pics?
When asking around to find out what the ladies think of explicit pics as profile pictures, here's the uncovered scoop...

SDC Openlove 101 Newbie Lifestyle Guide Prep Talk Couple Swingers Open
Newbie Guide: The Pre-Club Talk & Prep
Don't roll up to the club without these essential tips!

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Sexuality Bisexuality John Angelique Luna
Bisexuality: Why is There a Double Standard?
Why are bisexual men stigmatized while bisexual women are fetishized in society and popular culture?

What is Hotwifing REALLY Like?
Many people question why a couple would choose to play apart, and sometimes even assume that they do so because they just want to have sex with someone besides each other. In truth, the exact opposite is true.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Cannabis CannaSexual Ashley Manta
Sex and Cannabis: Enhance Your Sex Life
If you're curious about cannabis and want to know how you can use cannabis products to amp up your sex life, you should definitely listen to this discussion with THE CannaSexual, Ashley Manta!

SDC Seek Discover Create Lexi Sylver Coronavirus COVID19 Social Distancing Isolation Sex
Staying Sexy During Self-Isolation
We’re all conscious of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that’s swept the world. So, what are we horny folks to do in times like these? Find our pleasures anywhere we can get them, of course!

SDC ASN Lifestyle Magazine Brenna Hotwives Club Hotwifing Size Queens
Hotwives' Club: Size Queens in the Hotwife Lifestyle
Brenna from Front Porch Swingers & Sex on Your Terms shares some insight on size queens within hotwifing communities.

9 Signs You Just Might Be a Swinger
Sure, there are plenty of myths surrounding swingers the lifestyle; however, there are also a few real tell-tale signs you just might be a swinger.

Fun Positions for a Threesome
So, you've found the perfect third party to join your couple for some play...

Three Things to Consider about Having a Threesome
The idea of having a threesome might seem simple and straightforward...