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The Sexual Trifecta: Sensation

Explore the next step in the sexual trifecta: sensation.
Hi again! I am Janine, co-founder of Warm and the “Queen of Heat” with some more hot insights into elevating your intimacy. In our last blog post, I touched on the challenges that are sometimes present in relationships and how both WARM™ and TOUCH™ help foster and encourage new ways to engage intimately together.

The Next Step in the Sexual Trifecta...

The first chapter in the sexual trifecta journey was Anticipation where we explored the importance of mentally stimulating the mind, and the benefits of anticipating erotic moments. Intimate play, scenes, and adventures, all expand and become more voluminous and deeply satisfying when you trigger the natural biological arousal responses that happens when you literally “get you head in the game”! Fact: Your body follows what you allow your mind time to think about. Warm Hack: With the simple press of a button you give yourself something very hot to think about. With your mind and body now working together, let’s continue on to those incredible new exciting sensations from all your pleasure products when you add heat!


Did you know, your genitalia has very special kinds of touch receptors? Ones that are unique to that area of your body? These nerve endings, genital end bulbs, are made to do one thing and are integral to sexual pleasure. They transduce messages to the brain. Translation? They convert temperature and touch sensations into another form: Pleasure! Fun Fact: The Pundendal Nerve, yes, one of the special pleasure nerves, serves the perineum area of all bodies! No wonder exploring your nether region can feel so good! Add the sometimes-perceived mental “taboo” around it and you have the perfect mind-body arousal connection that makes for some hot sex! Sex Hack: Adding the right heat to the delicious sensations toys bring amplifies the messages your touch receptors send to your brain. Heat becomes ignited pleasure! Every sensation from your favorite pleasure products is heightened. It’s like throwing a purely for pleasure party for your most intimate receptors.

Back to Business

And back to that, er, backside; the experience of soothing warmth, again, the right heat for the job, also relaxes sphincter muscles and creates a sensation of safety and comfort, (remember from our last post we are biologically hardwired to respond positively to heat?) that can make a huge difference in the ability to expand and receive anal arousal and pleasure. Can I get a hell yes?! The right heat, whatever your body tells you is right for you, can even elevate your orgasms to a whole new level. I like to think of it as a “4D Orgasm”! Heat adds in a perceivable layer of “volume” to your climatic moments. Difficult for me to describe, it is one of those “once you feel it, you get it” experiences! Once you feel it, you will understand why we built a whole company around it. The sensations of thermal effects have been studied for over a century. It has been proven to affect every area of our body. Did you know, sweet tastes sweeter when you are hot? Not the food, you! Eating a strawberry after you have exercised or are aroused, you perceive it, taste it, as much sweeter. And a perceivable heat, above body temperature increases your sensitivities and reactions to intimate touch. Sweet gets sweeter in every way when you are hot! All the burning love and fires of passion euphemisms are starting to make sense! Heat elevates your body’s physical responses to pleasure products that have been warmed, amplifies your natural chemical release system (think yummy endorphins!) and ignites your ability to receive pleasure. WARM™ and TOUCH™ add the heat your body craves.

Time to Heat Things Up

WARM™ creates an undeniable physiological reaction that leads to experiencing the most powerful orgasms possible. With time for anticipation to build, the sensation of your muscles contracting against something warmer than your body, it is near impossible to mentally be anywhere else. It has been getting a lot of press lately and it's because it is true, the more your mind is present or “focused” during sex, the more deeply you feel satisfied and the more enjoyable sex is. TOUCH™ layers in the same effects from your favorite lubricants and oils while also making them fun and effortless to use.