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Coronavirus and the Effect on Your Daily Life

SDC COVID19 Coronavirus Self Quarantine Social Distancing Mental Physical Health
SDC COVID19 Coronavirus Self Quarantine Social Distancing Mental Physical Health
The whole world is literally locked down because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, and many of us are required to self-quarantine until further notice. But what do you do to pass the time?

To prevent dissemination as much as possible, meetings are prohibited, public buildings, museums and, in some countries, they've even closed shops. Only supermarkets may still be open. It is not feasible now to report to which country which measures apply because this is adjusted daily. One of the measures is, in any case, the advice to stay inside as much as possible and to refrain from social contact. But what do you do to pass the time?

Practical and Fun Ways to Create Excitement at Home

If you are in the lifestyle, the impact of 'abstaining from social contacts' goes a step further because it is precisely there that physical contact is so important. Suddenly all kinds of possibilities for contact disappear. SDC has canceled, rescheduled, or postponed all meetings, meet-&-greets, parties, trips, and cruises. Clubs have closed their doors.

But what do you do with all those extra hours? Of course, you can binge-watch your favorite series, but that is not very exciting. But we have tips for you to add some tension to your sex life without having physical contact with others.

  • Go virtual. SDC has so many options. Make an appointment with your favorite couple and have sex via webcam. Dive into the chatbox and make new friends there. Who knows, wonderful 'bedtime' stories can arise!

  • Now is the perfect time to take a closer look at your profile. You often create a profile and stop looking at it. Are the photos up to date? Those photos from ten years ago can certainly be replaced. Is the description correct? Maybe something has changed in that, too. In short, great use of your time at home is taking new photos, and it can be an exciting job!

  • Get started with sex toys. It appears that sales have increased enormously in recent weeks. Maybe you didn't have them yet, or it's been a while since you bought one. In any case, a little extra fun with a new sex toy is never gone.

  • Read the articles at your leisure on the site!

  • Write your story. We publish member stories about swinging your first time or other lifestyle experiences. Do you feel inspired? Look forward to future competition announcements here on SDC.com and in our Erotic Dating App, available on both Apple and Android. Sign up and let your creative juices flow!

What Can You Do Yourself to Prevent Spreading the Coronavirus, if Possible?

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or rub the hands with alcohol (60% or more).

  • Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing; in caring for the sick. Also do this before, during, and after preparing food, before you eat; after using the toilet; when your hands are visibly dirty; and after touching animals or waste.

  • Keep at least 2 meters (6 feet) away from anyone who coughs or sneezes.

  • Do not touch your hands, nose, and mouth.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sneeze or cough in your elbow. Discard the tissue immediately and clean your hands.

If you feel ill (fever, cough, breathing difficulties), seek medical help early. Do not go to a doctor immediately, but first, call the local health services.
Keep up to date with the developments of COVID-19 issued by the health authorities in your country and follow their directions.