Swingers Lifestyle Community for Open-Minded Couples & Singles

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Looking for other swingers and kinksters near you, or singles and couples with the same cultural background as you? Check out our demographic-based communities on SDC.
30s & 40s Cpls in FL Winter Garden, FL, USA 183
45+ Regio Noord Emmen, NLD 274
50 Plus (bi) Group NL/B Herwijnen, NLD 170
50 and up Sarasota, FL, USA 1276
60+ Bayside, NY, USA 886
Age Difference Enthusiasts Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA 189
Asian Girl Norman, OK, USA 2302
Asian Lady lovers Bangkok, THA 207
Asian Persuasion Orlando, FL, USA 156
Asian Women in Houston Houston, TX, USA 282
Big dick comunity Rotterdam, NLD 138
Blackandbi Mateo Trail, TX, USA 103
Busy Parents 4 Fun Oklahoma City, OK, USA 163
Colorful Connections Charlotte, NC, USA 135
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