Communauté libertine pour les couples et les célibataires ouverts d'esprit

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1 Revues
1 Revues



We are a in home club for couples over 50+. We have Meet & Greets twice a month and play time two to three times a month, depending on the weather. Some of our events are out side. We have BBQs, Pot luck, Chili Bash the list goes on and on. All Menus are made fresh for each event and will be posted on our website. This is not a large club, this is a small group of couples who are over 50 and enjoy the private home settings. Games, prizes, Birthdays events, Holiday gatherings and so much more. Come meet new faces and make new friends. Hope to see you soon. swingers

5101 DURWOOD RD, Kettering, 45429



Swingers55 Revues


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1 Revues

ANONYME Apr 4 2016 2:40PM
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swingers 55

Swingers 55 is moving in a few months to Centerville, Ohio. We like the home place. It is on a smaller bases and the people are all over 55 and up. Fun place to play and the owner makes all the food . The food is to die for. A softer home feeling and couples seem to enjoy each other a lot more. No pressure at all. New place is going to have a lot of things to offer to us older swingers.

Communauté libertine pour les couples et les célibataires ouverts d'esprit

Rejoignez la plus grande communauté internationale de libertinage au monde!

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