Comunidad de Estilo de Vida Swinger para Parejas y solter@s de mente abierta

Apuntarse gratis ahora!




Oct 28, 2023 de/desde 9:00 PM


Oct 29, 2023 hasta 4:00 AM


Trinecká 672 ( modré F ) Praha 9 - Letnany


+420 604 424 423


We would like to invite you to a unique Luxury party, this time in Halloween style. The Club will transform into a mysterious and intimate atmosphere and is ready for your erotic experiences. Sensual dancers and thematic erotic performances will create the atmosphere. The dress code is exclusively black clothing or you can also wear Halloween themed clothing or a costume. There are no limits to your imagination. The most creative couple will be rewarded by free entry to one of our future parties.

We are expecting a full club, so please make an early reservation. DON’T MISS THIS PARTY.

ADMISSION (CZK): Couple 1.700, – (premium SDC club members 1.500, -), Woman: 300, –

For more details see our club website:

We’re looking forwards to welcome you at our club.

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We would like to invite you to a unique Luxury party, this time in Halloween style. The Club will transform into a mysterious and intimate atmosphere and is ready for your erotic experiences. Sensual dancers and thematic erotic performances will create the atmosphere. The dress code is exclusively black clothing or you can also wear Halloween themed clothing or a costume. There are no limits to your imagination. The most creative couple will be rewarded by free entry to one of our future parties.

We are expecting a full club, so please make an early reservation. DON’T MISS THIS PARTY.

ADMISSION (CZK): Couple 1.700, – (premium SDC club members 1.500, -), Woman: 300, –

For more details see our club website:

We’re looking forwards to welcome you at our club.


Zveme vás na jedinečnou Luxury párty, tentokrát ve stylu Halloween. Club se ponoří do tajemné a intimní atmosféry a je připraven pro vaše erotické zážitky. Atmosféru navodí smyslné tanečnice a tematické erotické vystoupení. Dress code je výhradně oblečení v černé barvě a můžete si vzít i tematické oblečení nebo kostým. Fantazii se meze nekladou a nejkreativnější pár odměníme volným vstupem na některou příští párty.

Očekáváme plný club, tak prosíme o včasné rezervace. TUTO PÁRTY SI NENECHTE UJÍT.

VSTUPNÉ: Pár 1.700,- (pro prémiové členy SDC 1.500,-), Žena: 300,-

Více informací naleznete na našich webových stránkách:

Těšíme se na Vás. Leer Menos




20 Comentarios

VERNIIS Jun 05 2024 01:46 am

Why the people dont dance ?

We were surprise the couples and the girls dont dance to gether...

SUNNYBUNNY Sep 19 2023 08:10 am

Great club

This is a great club one of the best we have been to, and we have been to a few arround. The club is sexy, clean, nice rooms and a great croud. We will return !

BUTTERFLYCZ Nov 07 2022 02:03 pm

Great people

Hidden identity is allways something very exciting when everybody is hidden behind a mask. It wasn´t too crowded and a lot of nice people attended in the Fantasy club.

MAR18720 Jun 24 2019 05:41 pm

we simply love this club -)

every party here is great so was this one

Comunidad de Estilo de Vida Swinger para Parejas y solter@s de mente abierta

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