Your hidden garden bed and breakfast
Información General:
2 guest rooms have private entry gardens with outdoor day beds, jacuzzi tubs and covered porches. Inside both have king beds, fireplace, TV and private baths with walk thru showers out into your garden so you can go right from the jacuzzi into the warm shower. There is a guest cafe area with inside or outside seating for breakfast and conversation area. Even forest seating areas. Guest rooms and cafe area are on the rear and side of the home, surrounded by forested hillsides, and away from the owner's area, making it all your area to enjoy as you please. Perfect place for two couples to enjoy each other in a very private and intimate natural setting.
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Winnsboro, TX
El estilo de vida swinger está vivo y coleando en los EE. UU., donde la búsqueda de la vida, la libertad y la felicidad impulsa a parejas y solteros a vivir sus fantasías más pervertidas de costa a costa.