Swingers Lifestyle Community für aufgeschlossene Paare & Singles

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HUSH Partyz

HUSH PARTYZ is a sexually charged upscale party for open minded people who like to flirt and have fun with like minded others in a safe, sexy atmosphere. Social discretion and respect are a must! All of our locations are always closed off to the general public. We are 100% dedicated to providing a nice comfortable setting making it easy for adult couples and single bisexual ladies interested in the lifestyle to meet, socialize, dance and get to know each other in a no pressure atmosphere Our events are always affordable, fun and safe. Each party we offer a great LIVE DJ, a CLOSED venue and we always arrange for drinks specials for our guests. Arrangements with nearby hotels are always made for each party. Regardless if you have been in the Lifestyle for years, weeks, days or just considering the possibilities, sign up for one of partyz and tell your friends. Experience a HUSH Partyz just once and you will be hooked!

Pleasant Prairie , 53148



Hush Partyz Gruppe

193 Mitglieder   |   Seit Aug 22, 2012

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