Swingers Lifestyle Community for Open-Minded Couples & Singles

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SDC BNB Frequently Asked Questions

Are you an SDC BNB host or guest? See the answers below to our most Frequently Asked Questions about SDC BNBs!

Do you have a sexy space available?

Become a Host
I have a short-term rental available. How can I list this on SDC?

Create a business profile here, fill in all the necessary fields, add pictures and wait for approval.

Are there extra options to promote my BNB apart from the listing on SDC?

Yes, contact us here to receive a custom proposal.

Does SDC require a fee as an intermediary for bookings?

No, SDC is not in any way involved in arrangements made between hosts and clients and does not require any brokerage commissions.

Do we need insurance?

 For both hosts and guests, adequate insurance through your preferred agent to protect your investment is highly recommended.

Does SDC arbitrate in case of differences between hosts and guests?

 No. SDC is not an intermediary in any way, shape or form. Any dispute is to be addressed between the host and guest.

Can we report discrepancies between what is posted on a BNB profile vs real-life experience?

You are welcome to leave honest reviews. If the review is unwarranted, it will be removed by SDC staff. Alternatively you can send a message here about your experience. Short-term rentals found to defraud our members will be promptly removed and blocked from re-listing.

What kind of questions should I ask a potential host?

A few possible questions depending on your choices are:

  • Do you offer contactless access?
  • What are the house rules?
  • Are there any kinky games, sexy books or videos available?
  • Is the bedroom area separate from the dungeon area?
  • Are there toys or toy packages available?
  • What are the sanitizing practices?
  • Are towels and sheets provided?
  • If breakfast is included, can special food requests be accommodated?
  • Are there restaurants/bars/clubs close by?
  • Is there a stocked fridge with water, sodas? Is there a cost involved?
Are parties allowed at short-term rentals?

This largely depends on what type of accommodation you seek and solely up to the discretion of the host. Make sure to clearly communicate this together before booking to avoid issues.

What are general safety tips for hosts & guests?

On SDC there are several ways to get to know your host or guest before booking with them:

  1. Read reviews from previous guests when available
  2. Communicate through the SDC Messenger or contact form to ask any question
  3. Make sure the listing offers exactly what you are looking for
  4. When sharing information, use your SDC profile for privacy
  5. Keep financial information secure
  6. Take a solid insurance policy for your space or stay
  7. Research your destination prior to arrival
I have a question that is not showing here.

Please feel free to contact us here.