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Club Cocoon

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1 Reviews

The Club Cocoon is your Swingers Club in Brussels Mercredi, jeudi et dimanche - Ambiance HOT ouverts à tous. Vendredi et samedi: Soirées libertines où les couples libertins coquinent entr'eux et avec les célibataires de leur choix. Sandwiches en journée, buffet chaud/froid (avec entrées, desserts et café) en soirée. Formule all-in avec une collation ou un repas, et des boissons à discrétion. Essayez, vous ne serez pas déçus ! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday: HOT Ambiance open to everyone. Friday and Saturday: swingers evenings where couples plays among themselves or with the singles of their choice. Sandwiches by day, hot / cold buffet (with starters, desserts and coffee) in the evening (not on monday). All-in prices with drinks at discretion. Try it, you will not be disappointed! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Woensdag, Donderdag, Zondag: HOT ambiance open aan iedereen. Vrijdag en zaterdag van 21u tot 4u: libertijnen avonden waar libertijne paren kunnen onder elkaar of met de alleenstaanden van hun keuze wisselen. Sandwiches in de namiddag of warm/koud buffet (met voorgerechten, desserts en koffie) in de avond. All-in ingangsprijzen met drankjes met mate.

Chaussée de Louvain 42, Bruxelles, Belgium

+32 (0)477 41.34.56



Club Cocoon Reviews


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1 Reviews

ANONYMOUS Nov 30 2017 3:04AM
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Hello , yesterday I visited the club at around 14:30 ,as a member already payed my membership I paid my entrance fee and the receptionist asked me if I am a member trying to find me on their records and after some search she couldn’t find it so that means that they don’t even keep records of their members . Eventually I got inside and there were 3 girls .The 1st girl was 1-1 with a guy in a private room for about an hour and after that she disappeared, the 2nd one was asking all the time to receive massage from the men who have been there and after that she went to a private room to receive more massage ( maybe tired , who knows) , and there was the 3rd girl that trying to please about 10-12 men she was rude and it was fully acceptable as she was alone .The receptionist though was very kind and when I was leaving she asked me if I was satisfied , I told her of course why I wasn’t . I m sorry to that but this was my last visit over there , I will try to find another place and if someone read this I m expecting some suggestions, thanks .

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